

I am Jori Gardner, founder & lead sleep consultant for Crib Coach. I was born and raised in Southern Alberta and I have chosen to grow my family in this area as well. I married my Husband in the summer of 2015 and we welcomed our first son (Nolan) in June of 2017. We were blessed to add our second son (Jaden) in March of 2020. 

I have now had the absolute privilege of working with thousands of families worldwide. I know that I have truly found my passion, especially when working with families and seeing their transformations. They transition from exhausted and stressed to excited, happy and empowered. I only hope that we can have the opportunity to help your family make this transition as well.

Some fun facts:

  • I met my husband in an airport

  • I left an accounting job to stay at home and raise our boys

  • Our second son suffers from severe silent reflux. Seeing this first hand has given me such great experience to help clients through similar situations

  • I can now say I have given birth and parented through a pandemic

I have had the honour to grow my team so we can help as many tired families as possible. We truly work as a team and love what we do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and allowing us to serve your family. We are all in this together!

Send us a message and let’s chat about SLEEP!


Hi! I am Emma Roy, sleep consultant for Crib Coach. I live in Massachusetts and have my whole life. I love the weather here, even the snow, as long as I don’t have to shovel! I married my husband Eric in 2015 and welcomed our twins Sadie and Harrison in 2018 through adoption. They are the lights of my life and keep me on my toes daily!

I connected with Jori when the twins were 9 months old. Not only did we have well-rested babies after a couple of weeks, but I gained a passion for all things baby and toddler sleep as well as a lifelong friend in the process. When the opportunity to become a certified sleep consultant and join Jori as part of the Crib Coach team presented itself, it was the easiest and best decision and I will be forever grateful for it!

Fun facts:

  • Up until my kids were born, I worked as a special education teacher for kindergarten and first graders

  • Hiking is my favourite outdoor activity and the kids love it too!

  • I rediscovered my love for reading and read 80 books this past year (thank you audiobooks!)

  • My role as a sleep consultant allows me to help families just like mine get the much needed sleep they need. Having someone in your corner can make the process so much easier and I look forward to being that support for you!



Hi, my name Is Brittany! I’m so excited to be sharing my journey with you and to be on the Crib Coach team.

I reached out to Jori to sleep train my then 9.5 month old son as I was in desperate need of some sleep. I could barely function and was mentally and physically exhausted. I was feeding every day and night and was lucky to get a 3 hour chunk of sleep. I was breaking down and crying on a daily and I knew something had to change.

I signed up for sleep training with Jori and within a week my son was initiating sleep himself and sleeping in 6 hour chunks at night.

Within a month, he was fully on a daytime nap schedule, weaned from his night feeds and sleeping through the night. I still breastfed during the day and felt that sleep training allowed me the sleep at night and have confidence in the day knowing we were all getting enough sleep and I could relax and go to bed and not worry about the next wake up.

My whole life changed within that week for my baby and for my relationship with my husband. I was getting sleep again, my baby was sleeping and so much happier and I could enjoy taking in all of his special moments instead of just focusing on making it through each day without me or him melting down.

After learning about the process I wanted to spread the amazing benefits of sleep training. I’ve been a sleep coach for just over 2 years and have sleep trained all of my own babies. (I’ve got 2 now and 1 on the way!) I took that crazy third baby step because I knew i could handle it. And I know I’ll get sleep again because my toddlers both sleep through the night and nap for 2-4 hours a day on a schedule. I love helping support moms and dads through this process and coaching you along to feel empowered and knowledgeable about the process and where it takes you and your babies/toddlers is so important to me.

Little tidbits about me:

  • I was married at Hatley Castle in Victoria, BC.

  • I’m also an event/wedding designer part time in Victoria, BC.

  • I am a proud mom to 2 sons (and another son on the way). And have been with my husband for 14 years.

  • I’m a walking dictionary of every friends episode and have probably watched it 20 times over!


Hi, I am Jessica Nicholls and I can't wait to help your family and share my passion for sleep! I was born in South Africa, but spent most of my childhood in England and now live in Dallas, Texas for the last 9 years! I love warm weather, traveling and getting outside in nature. Me and my husband have been together since we were 17 years old, married 9 years ago in France and welcomed our first boy in 2017, followed by our second boy in 2019.

I have always needed my sleep and when our first son was born, sleep became a huge challenge! Our whole family suffered during the months and months of sleep deprivation. When our second son was born, I knew something had to change, being constantly sleep deprived, a baby that didn't like to sleep and me just trying to survive each day took a huge toll and I knew I couldn't do it again. There had to be another way to be the well rested mom that I wanted to be,and that's when I seeked help and hired a Sleep Consultant and it was life changing to me and my family. From then on, I became baby sleep obsessed (in a good way), and became certified as a Baby and Toddler sleep consultant to help other families get the rest they need and to change their lives, like it had changed mine. I am so excited to be on the Crib Coach Team!

Fun Facts:

  • I love all animals, and horse riding is one of my passions.

  • My youngest son had colic and he was lactose intolerant as a baby, which has provided me with a lot of knowledge around similar experiences.

  • I love to travel with my family all over the world.

  • I can live off Mexican and Italian food all day long.


Hi! My name is Andrea Dyck. I am so excited to be apart of the Crib Coach team and help families on their sleep journey.

I married my husband in 2012 and we have two girls, Blaire 6 and Harper 5.

I have always been one who requires a lot of sleep and after our second that was not happening. I was sleep deprived, having a baby who wasn’t sleeping and having a toddler to try and keep up to, I knew we needed help! I consulted with a Sleep Consultant and started on our journey and that was the best decision for our entire family. Our baby was sleeping and I was getting the rest needed to show up for my girls, it was truly life changing.

After having such a positive experience I knew becoming a Sleep Consultant was the right path for me. I am extremely passionate about helping families and can’t wait to start working with your family!

Fun facts about me:

  • You will often find me in a rink watching my daughter play hockey

  • I married my high school sweetheart

  • I love traveling and exploring with my little family.

I can’t wait to meet you and your families and help you get the sleep you need!


Hi! My name is Taylor and I can not wait to help your family! Here is a little bit about me...
After moving 5 times to multiple cities in 5 years, my husband and I settled back into my hometown on Vancouver Island. Our first daughter was born shortly after in December of 2018. We welcomed our second daughter in September 2020 and have since moved (yes, again) to the Kootenays.

When sleep became a challenge for our daughter, we decided to enlist the help of Jori and Crib Coach. The results of following her sleep program were life changing and I knew I wanted to help other families get the sleep that they deserve too. I've always been passionate about helping people but after having a baby I discovered how important it is for everyones wellbeing to get the rest they need. I can't wait to help other parents with whatever sleep challenges they might be facing!

Fun facts to sprinkle in:
1) I walked down the aisle at my wedding to an instrumental version of the Jurassic Park theme song. (LOL)
2) I have two rambunctious doodle puppies named Stella & Wallace.
3) If I could live off of candy, cookies and ice cream I would.


Hi! I'm Scarlett Williamson. Ever since I could remember I've wanted to be a mother. In March of 2021 my husband Bob and I were blessed to welcome our daughter Lottie. Shortly after Lottie was born she was diagnosed with severe acid reflux. That is when I met Jori through a mutual friend and I am forever thankful. She helped my husband and I through our daughter's reflux and sleep needs. At 4 months old we then struggled with Lotties sleep, 20 minute cat naps and 5-9pm witching hour became our norm. We then began sleep training and our life was changed! Sleep techniques, scheduled nap times and sleeping through the night changed her mood, demeanor and mine as well! I then could relax and enjoy everything motherhood had to offer. As we were all getting the sleep we needed to thrive as a family. Soon after talking with many mom friends, I discovered many of our babies and children struggle with different sleep troubles. I love being that support to fellow mom's as we are all in this crazy ride of motherhood together. I'm very excited to get started with my fellow sleep consultants at The Crib Coach, and help give families the tools and support they need to get the much needed sleep they deserve.

Fun facts about me:

  • I'm an Emergency and Med/Surg Nurse

  • I'm the youngest of 4 older brothers

  • Enjoy anything outdoors, running, hiking, biking.

  • Have an english mastiff named Carl, who loves having Lottie as a sidekick

  • You can often hear me quoting Seinfeld in everyday life it's my favorite show! I'm also a bit of a movie buff.


Hi! My name is America Miranda, and I am so excited to be able help your family and change your life! I am originally from a small town in Texas called Del Rio. I have lived in Miami for the past 12 years and consider myself a South Floridian now, but forever will be a true Texan at heart! Miami is where I met my husband, and we now have our perfect little family of four. Our daughter’s name is Victoria who is 2.5 years old, and our son is Thomas who was just born June 2022.

Being a first-time mom in 2020, right in the start of a global pandemic, I thankfully crossed paths with someone on Instagram that tagged @thecribcoach and immediately out of desperation, I reached out without any hesitation. I crossed paths with Emma, she has truly changed my life! I had no idea that I would be able to have my daughter sleep 12 hours at night and have a nap schedule. When I would read that I would think to myself, “Is that possible?? There’s no way!” Well, there certainly is a way and I truly feel deep in my heart that there are so many families that do not have the knowledge about Sleep Training or might be hesitant for whatever reason it may be.

To be honest, I brag to everyone about my daughter sleeping!! This truly changed my life! After Victoria was born, I was certain that I would not have any more kids. My experience was not easy during the pandemic, but, truly after sleep training Victoria, that made me realize that I can have a sibling for her with this regimen and all would be ok! And so be it, we now have Baby Thomas!

I am extremely passionate about helping families and changing their life completely and can’t wait to work with you!

Fun Facts About Me:

  • I was named after my great-grandmother whose name was America. But everyone thinks that I was named America since I was born July 5th.

  • I work a full-time job as a Director of Administration.

  • I was a cycling instructor for 15 years and hope to go back one day to doing that.

  • Giving birth and going through the newborn stage through a pandemic is honestly my greatest accomplishment!


Hi, everyone! I'm Sarah, a consultant at The Crib Coach lucky enough to help all you fellow parents get the sleep you and your babies deserve!

By the time our daughter was 5 months old, we found we could only get her to sleep with contact naps, and she required hours of rocking, walking and nursing in the night. Things seemed to just keep getting worse and us, more desperate. Sound familiar?! We were too exhausted, emotionally and physically, to figure out how we got into this position (survival mode those first months is real!) let alone what to do about it. Working with Jori changed our lives within days, and our relationship with our daughter strengthened exponentially once we all had the structure and consistency to our days and nights that we needed. I can't believe I am now fortunate enough to pay it forward so that others can also have the happy ending we did. I now understand "it takes a village" in a whole different way, and I'm thrilled to be part of your village, too!

Some fun facts about me:

  • I grew up and now live in sunny Southern California, where I am close enough to go for a hike in the mountains and a walk along the beach in the same afternoon!

  • My husband and I lived and taught in Madrid, Spain for 3 years, just moving back to the US in 2020

  • I've run 50+ half marathons around the US and Europe, with my first and only (so far!) full marathon being the original route from Marathon to Athens, Greece

  • I am a certified interior designer, though currently not practicing so that I can stay home with my daughter and work with wonderful families like you! :)